Lecture by Prof. Ewa Bugaj at PAIA

On April 25th a lecture by Prof. Ewa Bugaj (Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań) took place at the headquarters of the Polish Archaeological Institute at Athens. The talk under the title “Dance and music motifs on Attic Geometric pottery in light of previous and recent interpretations, or what kind of art studies contemporary archaeology needs” gathered a large audience both at the Institute and online. We are very happy that, apart from our members and friends of the institute, at this very interesting lecture we could host, among others: Dr. Alkis Raftis, Director of the National Dora Stratou Dance Theater, Prof. Andrzej S. Chankowski, Dr. Stavros A. Paspalas, Deputy Director of the The Australian Archaeological Institute at Athens, and Prof. Tomasz Jasiński with his family.

photo: Beata Kukiel-Vraila