
Invitation to the 3rdAnnual Meeting of PAIA

Dear Friends and Colleagues, Polish Archaeological Institute at Athens has a pleasure to invite to the 3rdAnnual Meeting of the Polish Archaeological Institute at Athens (for 2023)which will take place on June 19th, 2024 at 19.00 in theÉcole française d’Athènes. Please confirm your attendance until June 17th 2024 by e-mail to: We would be pleased to welcome you to this event. […]

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A screening of the film “Bronze Scepter. Symbol of civilizational change” at PAIA

On May 22nd, our Institute hosted a screening of the film “Berło z brązu. Symbol zmiany cywilizacyjnej” (eng. “Bronze Scepter. Symbol of civilizational change”) directed by Mr. Krzysztof Paluszyński (producer: PFS PalFilmStudio Sp. z o. o.). The screening of the film was preceded by an introduction by one of the scientific consultants, Prof. Janusz Czebreszuk, […]

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Invitation to a lecture

Dear Friends and Colleagues, Polish Archaeological Institute at Athens cordially invites you to a lecture of prof. dr. Krzysztof Nawotka (University of Wroclaw): “The Nourisher of Apollo: Miletos and its god“ The lecture in English will take place on Wednesday, May 15, 2024, at 19.00 (Athens) / 18.00 (Poznań) in hybrid form: in person at the PAIA headquarters at Dionisiou Eginitou 7, GR-115-28 Athens, and […]

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Lecture by Dr Aleksandra Brzozowska-Jawornicka at PAIA

On April 10th the lecture “The so-called ‘Hellenistic House’ in Nea Paphos, Cyprus. Summary of current architectural research” by Dr Aleksandra Brzozowska-Jawornicka (Department of History of Architecture, Art and Technology, Faculty of Architecture, Wroclaw University of Science and Technology) took place at the Institute. The speaker presented her long-term research on one of the Roman residences […]

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Invitation to a lecture

Dear Friends and Colleagues,  Polish Archaeological Institute at Athens cordially invites you to a lecture of dr. hab. Ewa Bugaj, prof. UAM (Faculty of Archaeology, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań):  Dance and music motifs on Attic Geometric pottery in light of previous and recent interpretations, or what kind of art studies contemporary archaeology needs The lecture in English will take […]

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Invitation to a lecture

Dear Friends and Colleagues, Polish Archaeological Institute at Athens cordially invites you to a lecture of dr. eng. arch. Aleksandra Brzozowska-Jawornicka (Department of History of Architecture, Art and Technology, Faculty of Architecture, Wroclaw University of Science and Technology): “The so-called ‘Hellenistic House’ in Nea Paphos, Cyprus – summary of current architectural research”. The lecture in English will take place on Wednesday, […]

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We are growing!

We are happy to announce that Polish Archaeological Institute at Athens has expanded the number of its institutional members. This year, the University of Gdańsk joined us. It is the eighth Polish academic unit that signed the Cooperation Agreement of September 26th 2018, which regulates the principles of cooperation within PAIA. The other institutions are: Adam […]

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